Year: <span>2019</span>
Year: 2019

Programming the Brain

The human brain is programmed to spew all manner of beliefs, concepts, and intriguing tidbits but not to a separate or personal you. Seeing, hearing, tasting, touching – all perceiving and sensating is mental in nature even if biological in truth. What is is an appearance of edgeless, seamless, uncaused, no-thing-ness appearing, reflecting, and refracting as aware presence, or consciousness as a dream of itself. This life appears so real and tangible when we believe …

How Humans Perceive

We create the world we perceive by the beliefs and stories we hold as truths.  We believe in time and space and distance so we live in a world where these concepts seem to operate. It’s amazing, really, that our brains shape and inform our world and our minds are the reflection of our beliefs. Perception, from a scientific perspective, points to the internal comparison or exchange of information from what we are seeing and …

What About Animals?

Animals do not think and do not believe they live in a relative world of subjects and objects.  Nor are animals saddled with the tendency to name, label, and claim experiences and judge or evaluate life or reality into relative buckets as humans do. Animals are in tune with the organic and primal urges moving through them – as them, as impersonal consciousness.  They live simply…and are simply being “lived” as consciousness. This is not …

Thinking About Thoughts

When we begin to soften, to let go a bit, and perceive with an attitude and lens of not-knowing, we ease into vulnerability, rawness, and a willingness to meet and greet what is appearing instead of living in our mental processes of thinking, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, memories, and imaginings.  A deeper understanding of what is appearing resides beyond the brain’s conditioned mental processes and this deeper knowing unfolds on its own when we deeply question …

Glossary of Terms

Absolute – The ineffable, invisible, and intelligent presence or reality that every spiritual tradition calls the Absolute. Beyond relativity; not measurable; without any identity; not relational; indivisible; transcendent, immanent; containing no limitations, exists in every place, at all times simultaneously. Awakening – The initial falling away of the beliefs and concepts of a personal or separate self.  Thoughts are intellectually understood to be impersonal thoughts, and self-referential thinking begins to fall away. Awareness – An energetic resonance prior to …